So Many Places to Shop, So Much Data to Import/Export
Amazon, Ebay, Shopify, Magento and the list goes on. So many ways for your customers to order from you. Multiple sales venues mean more customers finding your products and buying from you. All of the additional revenue is terrific for your bottom line – but how are you getting all those orders into Sage 100 so you can quickly fulfill them?
Let Clearnine Assume Your Data Burden
We can handle this with our /clearnine/sync solution. For any marketplace that’s supported by our friends at Order Desk (and they support ALOT), we can send item data such as item codes, price and availability and shipment information up to the market place via Order Desk. We can also move those orders from any of those marketplaces and get them in Sage 100 Sales Order Entry, safe and sound. We even identify the marketplace for you. So if you sell through Amazon, Ebay and other sources, you’ll know exactly where the order originated
If Order Desk Doesn’t Support Your Marketplace (yet)
We’ve teamed up with the folks at Order Desk because they welcome new integrations and are happy to do custom work for you. Also, don’t forget that we’re not half bad at programming web solutions that integrate with Sage 100 as that’s what, uh, what we do. We can always come up with something that will work for you.
So between us and the Order Desk team, we’ve got you covered!
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